quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

no ANSWER\ guY\ chANGEd

In your heart are some
And in the mine
´Cause we never close off
Let it forgotten in the past
Broken just your leg
Ask like never touch
Do wathever make it matters
But hand in the head take it to heaven
T-shirts in the bathroom and this voice
This your voice in my pain - is the nothing
Nothing else prick in your smell
Thinking also in the past
Living the future - present
Going to aunt´s parents house
Sweet in the pack
Age old never more
Sacks of bright hair - and mouth
Poison in the feelings
But appear to remedy
Strawberries to the sky
Another candle in the clouds
Where the illusion come from
Strange connections for your eyes
With my arms you calm down
In that huges of long chairs
Why the pathlogy in the table
Make the flowers?

Um comentário:

  1. The life of learning´s steps...
    Our life!
    The beats of heart inside...
    Our heart!
    The time arrest in mind...
    Our thinkings!
    The soul in ourselves...
    We are!
    Three and one...
    We are the God´s image maked like Him!(Gn 1,27)


O que isso acrescentou em sua vida?