domingo, 3 de julho de 2016

My mOsT dEeP fEeLiNgS oF LiVinG

This shit is the life I earned
No values of a matter in fact
Nothing to show - no attractive
Deception is all I got - by the way
Its huge collection is set in my heart
Disguised of all rational senses
By everyone around me - not even
One single soul cares or do share their life
Emptiness will never fulfill emptiness
That´s why I wander and keep this thought 
Of not understanding the hollowness of so many
Even though I am in this reality
It does not appeal to me - and will not
How come keep my eyes shut
If all I want is to go beyond of what I can see?
Why do forget where I did come from
And where I am going - uncertainly fate
If this world is not enough to satisfy my soul?
Doubts over doubts over life
Questions that will always be alike
Reasons that will never be abide
The truth is that everything is upside down
Now I don´t recognize even myself
The most difficult question to answer
It is what am I doing with my life?
If there´s no more ways to escape
I am certainly moving around
Hoping to get rid of all this weirdness
That consumes my soul and happiness
Throw back my most deep feelings of living
And maybe something could make sense again
Give me strength and courage to change
´Cause I can´t accept it anymore
For a while I will still be here
But my heart and mind are already away
Thankfully God helped me to have this sight 
Of a new and better freedom
There´s nothing that will hold my decision
And then suddenly some bright involves me
I know that loneliness will always try 
To persecute and break off my joy
But apart from being alone
What I just don´t want is to be by myself...

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